اللغة العربية
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Types of Membership

Company Member (CM)
CM is specifically for companies who have a registered office in Hong Kong. One named member is nominated by the company as a representative.

Company Representative (CR)
CR is for companies who do not have a registered office in Hong Kong.The designated representative of the company.

Additional Member (AM)
AM is additional member of each company.

Special Member (SM)
SM is individuals associated with non-profit, charitable, educational, governmental, cultural, fraternal or religious organizations in Hong Kong whose activities are related to the objectives of The Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

Non-Resident Member (NR)
NR is those otherwise qualified for membership, but not residing in Hong Kong.

Application Approval
Your application will be submitted to the ARABCCI Membership Committee for consideration. Upon approval, a membership subscription number will be issued to you.

For other details please consult with our Secretariat.

Membership Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics, as adopted by the Membership Committee and approved by the Council of the Arab General Chamber of Commerce & Industry, is intended to serve as a general guideline to the everyday conduct of every Chamber member (Corporate Members and Individual Associate Members.)

  1. Chamber members should observe all rules set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association and By-laws of the Chamber, a copy of which is availed to all members upon their joining of membership.
  2. The Chamber expects each member to observe a high standard of business ethics, and to be honest in their dealings with government, officials, the public, firms or other corporations, entities, or organizations with whom the member company transacts, or is likely to transact.
  3. The Chamber expects each member to observe and comply with all laws, rules, and regulations of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, in which members are registered as lawful business entities.
  4. Members should avoid any activities that involve or would lead to the involvement of the company in any unlawful practices. Accordingly, each member should understand the legal standards and restrictions that apply to all registered businesses in Hong Kong.
  5. Members are expected to endorse the overall Chamber's mission of promoting, representing and safeguarding the interests of the Hong Kong business community. Members are expected to be reputable representatives of the Chamber and not be using the Chamber in a way which brings discredit to the Chamber.
  6. Members should acknowledge that any practice or behavior of members that contradict the mission or the general interest of the Chamber may result in possible expulsion from membership upon the judgment of the Council.


Notice: The herein stated are general guidelines utilized by us in the processing of an application. We reserve the right to accept, reject and/or revoke whomever we wish and are not accountable to parties with whom we choose not to be involved or associated with. We do not involve ourselves with parties suspect to implication in illegal activities, weapons, narcotics and/or associated areas, nor in matters should we suspect duplicity, malice, conflict of interest or corruption. We reserve all rights without prejudice to revise, accept and differ with any described procedural guidelines without notification.



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