Memorandum of Association |
- The name of the Society is: The Arab Chamber
of Commerce & Industry
- The registered office of the Society is situated
in the Central District of the Hong Kong SAR.
- The objects for which the Society is established are:
- To inform, promote,
represent and safeguard the interests of the trade, business, commerce,
agriculture, industries, manufactures and cultural public welfare in
the Arab World and Hong Kong/Greater China, adopting such means of making
known the trade, business, commerce, agriculture, industries, manufactures
and cultural public welfare between the Arab World and Hong Kong/Greater
China by all means as may seem expedient and in particular through advertising
in the Arab World and Hong Kong/Greater China or elsewhere, by services,
events, exhibitions and through publication of books and periodicals,
circulars or otherwise.
- To consider, discuss, promote,
support, or oppose and take action on issues directly or indirectly
relating to or affecting such trade, business, commerce, agriculture,
industries and manufactures or cultural public welfare and to collect
and disseminate statistical and other information concerning the same
and to promote, approve or oppose legislation and other measures affecting
trade, business, commerce, agriculture, industries, manufactures and
cultural public welfare of the members of the Companies in the Arab
World and Hong Kong/Greater China aforesaid.
- To retain or employ professional or skilled persons
in connection with the objects of the Society and such clerical and
working assistants as may be objects of the Society and such clerical
and working assistants as may be found necessary and to pay for these
purposes such fees or remuneration as may be thought expedient.
- To purchase,
take on lease, or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire in the Arab
World and Hong Kong/Greater China aforesaid any real or personal property
and any right or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose
of the Society.
- To invest and deal with
the moneys which the Society may not immediately require upon such securities
and in such investments as may be from time to time determined.
- To borrow any money that may be required by the
Society upon such terms as may be deemed advisable, and to sell, improve,
manage, develop, lease, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account, or otherwise
deal with all or any part of the property of the Society for such consideration
as the Society may think fit.
- To collect, arrange, index and publish information
as to materials, patents, processes, machines, appliances and tools
likely to be useful to members of the Society, and to establish and
maintain a Bureau of Information for the benefit of the Members of the
- To establish,
promote, co-operate with, receive into union or become a member of,
act as, or appoint trustees, agents or delegates for control, manage,
superintend, afford financial assistance to, or otherwise assist the
scientific and industrial research work of Society’s and institutions
and other registered bodies, whose objects are similar to those of the
Society and which prohibit by their constitutions the distributing of
their income and property amongst their members to an extent at least
as great as is imposed on this Society by Clause 4 hereof and to assist
such bodies in obtaining any necessary extensions of power for the promotion
of these objects.
- To undertake and execute
any trusts which may be conducive to any of the objects of the Society.
- To raise money by assessments levied on the Members
of the Society in accordance with the Articles of Association in force
for time being.
- To apply for
and accept grants of money, gifts of property real and personal or other
assistance from Government Authorities, Chambers of Commerce, Companies
or other Institutions of Associations or from private individuals.
- To establish and support
aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions,
funds, trusts and conveniences calculates to benefit employees or ex-employees
of the Society, or dependents and connections of such persons, to grant
pensions and allowances to and to make payments towards the insurance
of such persons.
- To elect as Honorary Members any persons distinguished
in statesmanship, diplomacy, commerce or finance and whose co-operation
and assistance has advanced or may be thought likely to advance the
objects of the Society.
- To pay all expenses, preliminary or incidental
to the formation of the Society and its registration.
- To make by-laws,
rules and regulations as may from time to time be necessary for carrying
out the above objects and for the proper administration of the objects
of the Society.
- To act as Facilitators,
Mediators and, Arbitrators or set up mechanisms for such in commercial
disputes or other.
- To do all such other lawful
things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above
objects or any of them. Provided that the Society shall not support
with its funds any objects or endeavor to impose on or procure to be
observed by its Members or others any regulations, restriction or condition
which if any object of the Society would make it a Trade Union.
- The income and property of the Society,
whosoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of
the objects of the Society as set forth in this Memorandum of Society:
and no portion therefore shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly,
by way of dividend bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to
the Members of the Society. Provided that nothing here shall prevent,
in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer
or servant of the Society or to any Member or Director of the Society
in return for any services actually rendered to the Society, nor prevent
the payment of interest at a rate not exceeding the then current maximum
lending rate of the Commercial Banks operating in Hong Kong/Greater
China on money lent on reasonable and proper rent for premises demised
or let by any Member or Director to the Society.
- No addition, alteration or amendment shall
be made to or in the regulations contained in the Articles of Association
for the being in force, unless the same shall have been previously submitted
and approved by the Society in the General Meeting.
- The liability of the Members is limited.
- Every subscribing Member of the Society undertakes to contribute
to the assets of the Society in the event of the same wound up during
the time that he is a Member, or within one year afterwards, for payment
of the debts and liabilities of the Society contracted before the time
at which he ceases to be a Member, and of the costs, charges, and expenses
of winding up of the same, and for the adjustment of the rights of the
contributors amongst themselves such amount as may be required not exceeding
One Dollar.
- If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society
there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities,
any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed
among the Members of the Society, but shall be given or transferred
to some other institution or institutions, having objects similar to
the objects of the Society and which shall prohibit the distribution
of its or their income and property among its or their Members to an
extent at lease as great as is imposed on the Society under or by virtue
of Clause 4 hereof, such institution or institutions to be determined
by the Council of the Society at or before the time of dissolution or
in default thereof by such Judge of the Upper Court as may have or acquire
jurisdiction in the matter and if so far as effect cannot be given to
the aforesaid provision then to some charitable object.
- The Society may apply to the Administrator of the Hong Kong SAR pursuant
to Chapter 151 of the Societies Ordinance of licenses under his/her
hand and the Public Seal of the Hong Kong SAR allowing registration
with limited liability without addition to the word Limited and such
their rights and privileges as therein provided and such license if
granted will be endorsed upon this Memorandum of Association.
Articles of Association
- I these regulations:
- “The Law” means
the Societies Ordinance (Chapter 151); where any provision of the Law
is referred to, the reference is to that provision s modified by any
Law for the time being in force; unless the context otherwise requires,
expressions defined in the law or any statutory modification thereof
in force at the date at which these regulations become binding on the
Association, shall have the meanings so defined.
- “The Society” means the
Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
- “The Council”
means the Board of Directors, who shall manage the affairs of the Society.
- “The Governors” means the
Board of Governors, a voluntary, honorary non-executive panel of Arab
League States head(s) of diplomatic missions or Specialized Agencies
present under Official Relationship Agreements with the Hong Kong SAR.
The role of which is to attend, advise and provide opinion on economic
policies and professional issues.
- The management of the affairs of the
Society shall be vested in a Council which shall be nominated and elected
in such a manner as may be hereinafter prescribed.
- The subscribers to the Memorandum
of Association shall be the first members of the Society.
- Any persons, firms, associations or corporations
of good standing interested in the purposes of the Society shall be
eligible to apply for membership. Those eligible may be elected at any
meeting of the Council and shall pay membership and entrance fees prescribed
by the Council.
- Voting at General Meetings shall be limited to those members licensed
to operate a trade or business in Hong Kong with at least one full-time
Director General or employee resident in Hong Kong. Members not entitled
to vote may be called Associate Members all references in these Articles
to voting procedures shall be read as applying only to members entitled
to vote as per this present article.
- Any member which is a firm, association or corporation shall designate
an individual to represent such member and to attend and vote at any
meeting of the Society on behalf of such member, and may also appoint
an alternate representative to attend and vote in the absence of the
first appointed individual, which such designation shall be subject
to the approval of the Council.
- Any member, firm, association or corporation
shall have the right at any time to change its representative or alternate
upon written notice to the Society subject to the approval of the Council.
- Each application for membership shall
be signed by the applicant and shall state the post office address and
in the case of a firm, association or corporation shall state the name
of the person who shall represent such member, such designated persons
to cast a vote, enjoy the privilege and perform the duties of the member,
subject to revocation and change by such firm, association or corporation.
Election to membership shall be by an affirmative vote of three-quarters
of the councilors present in any meeting of the Council.
- The Council by an affirmative vote of all members
present at any meeting may invite any person or persons to become members
of the Society.
- Distinction in public affairs or outstanding
service of the Society shall confer eligibility to Honorary Membership,
with exemption from the payment of all fees and dues. Honorary Members
shall not be eligible to hold office in the Society.
- Honorary Members may be elected by the Council.
A proposal to confer Honorary Membership may be made in writing to the
Council by any member of the Society. If the nominee shall receive an
affirmative vote of the Council he shall be declared elected. Three
negative votes shall defeat election by the Council. Every election
to Honorary Membership shall be announced to the Society at its first
meeting thereafter. Any Honorary Membership may be revoked by the Council
at any time.
- The Council may in its absolute discretion
in order to protect the reputation of the Society’s suspend or expel
any member and may suspend or cancel the accreditation of any member’s
official representative. Any such suspension or expulsion shall lapse
and fail unless confirmed by a General Meeting held at least ten days
following the Council’s announcement of the suspension of expulsion.
- Failure of a member to pay within two months
any moneys owing to the Society shall ipso facto affect suspension of
that member. Four months’ suspension under this Article shall be deemed
a threat to the reputation of the Society for the purposes of Article
- Members under suspension may not vote, and may attend and speak at
General Meetings only for the purposes of protesting their suspension.
Members’ official representatives under suspension may not attend meetings.
- Any member not in arrears for dues and not
indebted to the Society may present his/her resignation in writing to
the Council, which resignation may be accepted and notice thereof given
to said applicant.
- Upon death, resignation or dismissal of any
member from the Society, his/her membership and all rights acquired
under it shall thereupon and thereby be terminated and all the interest
in the property of the Society of any person so ceasing to be a member
shall revert to and be vested in the Society.
- The Council shall manage the affairs of the
Society and shall consist of the President, the first and second Vice
Presidents, the Treasurer, the Secretary and three other Councilors.
The retiring President shall also be a member of the Council from the
Annual General Meeting at which he ceases to be President until the
following Annual General Meeting. The Retiring Treasurer shall also
be a member of Council from the Annual General Meeting at which he ceases
to be Treasurer until the next following Annual General Meeting. It
shall be the duty of the Council to manage the affairs of the Society,
protect its interests and advance the purposes of the Society. The Council
shall have the power to transact any and all business and do any and
all things, which the Society is entitled to do and which are not by
these Articles prescribed to be exercised or done by the Society in
the General Meeting. The duties of the Council shall begin immediately
following their election by the subscriber(s) to the Memorandum. A member
of Council shall be an individual member or representative of a firm,
association or corporation, which is a member.
- The President shall hold office until his/her
successor takes office, pending his/her earlier death or resignation.
The first and second Vice Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary
shall be elected by the president at the Annual General Meeting and
shall hold office for a term of two year. The Councilors shall be elected
by the members at the Annual General meeting and shall hold office for
a term of two years save that at each Annual General Meeting the three
Councilors who have been longest in that office could be retired and
new Councilors shall be elected in their place. In the case of competition,
the Councilor or Councilors to retire shall be determined, in the absence
of agreement, by lot.
- A Nomination Committee, consisting of a Vice President and two members
shall be appointed by the President thirty days prior to the election
whose duty shall be to nominate from members or representatives of members
of the Society at least one candidate for each vacancy on the Council.
The Nomination Committee shall file a list of the nominees recommended
with the Secretary no later than fifteen days before the election. Nominations
may also be made by any member from the floor, or by filing the name
of the nominee with the Secretary no later than fifteen days before
the election. The Secretary shall mail to all members of the Society
ten days prior to the election a list of nominees whose names have been
filed with him/her.
- All voting shall be by ballot. Candidates who
receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The President
shall appoint three members of the Society who are not candidates for
election to the Council to have supervision of the election. These members
shall have the authority to make rules and regulations not in conflict
with these Articles governing the elections, and shall cause to be issued
for incorporation in the minutes a certificate showing the results of
the election, and bearing their signature.
- No Officer or Councilor, other than the Treasurer,
may be re-elected to the office he holds at the end of the period of
two years, but this shall not debar any such Officer or Councilor from
holding any other office or from being re-elected to his/her previous
office in some future election.
- Any casual vacancy which occurs in the Council
at any time shall be filled by an appointment by the President or in
his/her absence by one of the Vice Presidents and any person so appointed
shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
- The President or in his/her absence one of the Vice Presidents may
co-opt the services of additional members of the Society for specific
purposes and such co-opted members shall have full power as members
of the Council whilst co-opted.
- The Council may meet together for business at such time and places
as it may from time to time fix and may adjourn and otherwise regulate
its meetings, as it thinks fit. Five shall be a quorum of Council. A
special meeting of the Council may be called at any time by the President
or by any three members of the Council provided that when called otherwise
than by the President a call shall be issued to every Councilor stating
the purpose of the meeting.
- The continuing members of the Council may act at all times notwithstanding
any vacancy.
- The President or one of the Vice Presidents of the Society in his/her
absence shall preside as Chairman of every meeting of the Council. If
neither the President nor any Vice President shall be present at the
time of holding the meeting, the members present shall choose one of
their numbers to be Chairman of such meeting.
- The seat of elected member of the Council shall be ipso facto vacated:
- If he/she resigns
in writing;
- If he/she becomes
- If he/she is removed
by Resolution in the General Meeting of the Society;
- If he/she is found
to be a lunatic or becomes of unsound mind or of such infirm health
as in the opinion of the other members or the Council renders him/her
incapable of taking effective part in the management of the business
of the Society.
- The Council shall engage and dismiss
such employees and servants as they may consider necessary and shall
regulate their duties and fix their salaries, and may if they think
fit take such security for the good conduct of any person as they shall
deem expedient.
- The Council shall have absolute control over
all finance, income, funds and property of the Society and shall exercise
all such powers of the Society as they shall think fit except as otherwise
provided by there Articles.
- The Council shall have the power to acquire property and to lease
premises for the purpose of carrying out the aims and objects of the
- An Annual General Meeting shall be
held in each and every year at such time and place as the Council may
from time to time prescribe.
- At this meeting
the annual reports of Officers shall be presented and the election to
fill any vacancies of Officers and Councilors shall take place.
- There shall be
an ordinary General Meeting of the Society in every other month at such
time and place as the Council may determine.
- The President or
the Council may whenever he/she thinks fit convene a special meeting
of the Society and request attendance by “The Governors”.
- Upon receipt of
a requisition signed by five percent of the members, the Council shall
proceed to convene a special meeting of the Society. Due notice shall
be given to every member and such notice shall contain a statement of
the purpose of the meeting and shall be issued at least two days preceding
the meeting. If the Council does not proceed to convene the said meeting
within two weeks from the date of requisition the signatories of the
requisition may themselves convene such a meeting.
- No business shall be transacted at
any General Meeting unless a quorum of members is present at the time
when the meeting proceeds to business, save as herein otherwise provided,
four members present shall be a quorum.
- If within half an hour from the time appointed
for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon
the requisition of members, shall be dissolved, in any other case it
shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week, at the same
time and place, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present
within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting the members
present shall be a quorum.
- The President or one of the Vice Presidents of the Society in his/her
absence shall preside as Chairman at every meeting of the Society.
- If neither the President nor a Vice President
is present at the time of holding a meeting, the members present shall
choose someone of their number to be Chairman of such meeting.
- The Chairman may with the consent of any meeting
at which time a quorum is present (and shall if so directed by the meeting)
adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no
business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the
business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took
place. When a meeting is adjourned for ten days or more, notice of an
adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting.
Save as foresaid it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an
adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned meeting.
- At any General Meeting a resolution put to
the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands, unless
a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of
hands) demanded by at least three members present in person or by a
representative entitled to vote and, unless a poll is so demanded, a
declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has, on a show of hands,
been carried or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or
lost, and an entry to that effect in the book of proceedings of the
Society, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact, without proof of
the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favor of, or against,
that resolution.
- If a poll is duly demanded it shall be taken
in such manner as the Chairman directs, and the result of the poll shall
be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll was
- In the case of an equality of votes, whether
on a show of hands or on a poll, the Chairman of the meeting at which
the show of hands takes place or at which the poll is demanded, shall
be entitled to a second or casting vote.
- A poll demanded on the election of a Chairman
or a question of adjournment shall be taken forth-with. A poll demanded
on any other question should be taken at such time as the Chairman of
the meeting directs.
- On a show of hands every member present
in person or by representative shall have one vote. On a poll every
member of representative shall have one vote. No votes shall be given
by proxy safe and except to/by the President.
- No member shall be entitled to vote at any
General Meeting unless all fees, assessments or other sums presently
payable by him/her in respect of his/her obligations to the Society
have been paid.
- On a poll, votes may be given either personally or by representative.
- The Honorary Officers of the Society
shall consist of a President, the first and second Vice Presidents,
the Treasurer, the Secretary and three other Councilors and such other
officers as the Society may from time to time think necessary. Officers
may be remunerated at such a rate as the President may from time to
time determine. Firms, associations and corporations shall not be eligible
for election to the Council.
- The President shall be the Chief Executive
Officer of the Society. He shall preside at meetings of the Council
and the Society. He shall have sole discretionary veto, proxy and general
supervision powers of the business and affairs of the Society. He shall
assist in formulating and promoting the general program of the Society.
He shall appoint and be an ex-officio member of all Committees of the
Society. He shall submit an annual report of the activities of the Society
to the members.
- The Vice Presidents may in the order
of their precedence be delegated by the President to perform his/her
duties in the event of his/her temporary disability or absence from
meetings. As designated by the President, one Vice President shall be
in charge of matters of membership and of finance and shall be Chairman
of a committee to deal with financial matters. The other Vice President
shall be in charge of stimulating membership interest and participation
in the activities of the Society.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible
for the finances of the Society. He shall keep proper accounts and books
and shall show therein a record of all monies received and expended
on behalf of the Society. He shall be prepared to report on the financial
state of the Society when called upon to do so by the President at a
Council Meeting. He shall present at the Annual General Meeting an audited
financial statement. He shall arrange for the collection of subscriptions
due to the Society by members. He shall report to the Council the names
of all members who are in arrears three months or more with their dues.
- The Secretary shall keep in a proper
minute book a full record of the proceedings of each meeting of the
Council and the Society. He shall render such assistance to and supervision
of the Director General as the President may direct.
- The President may appoint a Director
General to exercise, subject to its directions, a general control over
the work of the Society and its employees. This office may be remunerated
at such a rate as the Council may from time to time determine. The Director
General shall appoint employees and assign them for duty subject to
the approval of the President. He shall draw warrants for all monies
to be paid by the Treasurer. He shall be responsible to the Council
for the proper conduct of all the departments and the work of the persons
employed by the Society. He shall conduct the official correspondence,
preserve all books, documents and communications and maintain an accurate
record of the proceedings of all committees. He shall keep all other
necessary record of the proceedings of all committees. He shall keep
all other necessary records and in general shall so manage the affairs
of the Society as to promote the objects of the Society.
- The Council shall provide for the
safe custody of the seal and the seal shall never be used by authority
of a resolution of a majority of the Council previously given.
- All deeds and documents executed on
behalf of the Society may be in such form and contain such powers, provisos,
conditions, covenants, clauses and agreements as the Council or the
Society in the General Meeting shall think fit and in addition to being
sealed with the seal of the Society shall be signed by the President
or one Vice President and countersigned by the Secretary or the Treasurer.
- The President shall appoint such Standing
Committees and Special Committees as he may deem necessary for the conduct
of the affairs of the Society. Each member of every such committee shall
serve during the pleasure of the President.
- All projects to be undertaken by the various
committees shall be approved and clearly defined by the President or
by the Secretary if so delegated by the President, at the time of their
appointment, and a written outline of such projects shall be furnished
to the Chairman and to each member, together with instructions as to
committee procedure.
- Within thirty days following its appointment
and approval a meeting of each committee shall be called by the Chairman
and the committee shall proceed promptly and expeditiously to perform
the project assigned to it. Such notice of the committee meetings shall
be given as shall seem feasible. No act of any committee shall be invalidated
by reason of the insufficiency of any notice of such meeting. The members
present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of committee business. All resolutions adopted by committees and all
other reports and other communications which purport to reflect the
attitude of the Society shall first be approved by the Council before
being made available either to the membership of the Society or to the
- In the event any committee fails to discharge
the duties assigned to it with reasonable promptness, such committee
may be discharged by this President who shall report his/her action
thereon to the Council and thereupon appoint a new committee. The President
and the Secretary, at the discretion of the President, shall be members’
ex-officio of all committees.
- The Council shall cause true account
to be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Society
and of the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditures
take place and of all property credits and liabilities of the Society.
- Subject any restrictions that may be imposed
by the Council from time to time as to the time and manner of inspecting
the same, all books of accounts of the Society shall be opened to inspection
of any member.
- There shall be a Finance and Budget
Committee reporting to the President and the Treasurer. Its duties shall
be to receive and consider at the beginning of the fiscal year estimates
of expenditures for the ensuing year as prepared and filed with it by
the officers and committees of the Society, and to submit to the Council
recommendations for a budget apportioning the funds of the Society,
which recommendations may be approved, amended or rejected by the Council.
After the final adoption of the budget no major indebtedness shall be
incurred or expenditures made unless approved by the Finance and Budget
Committee or specifically authorized by the Council.
- The Council shall at every Annual General Meeting
lay before the Society financial statements disclosing the annual income,
expenditure and assets and liabilities of the Society together with
a report of the Council as to the state and progress of the Society.
- The Society shall at every General
Meeting appoint one or more auditors to hold office for the ensuring
year and shall fix the remuneration (if any) to be paid for their services.
No member of the Council shall be capable of acting as an auditor.
- Any casual vacancy in the office of auditors
may be filed up by the Council but while any such vacancy continues
any remaining auditor or auditors may act.
- Every auditor of the Society shall have the
right of access at all times to the books and records of the Society
and shallbe entitled to require from the Director General and other
officers of the Society such information and explanations as may be
necessary for the performance of the duties of the auditors. The auditors
shall be required to report to the Members upon the financial statements
laid before the Society at the General Meeting during their tenure of
office. The auditors’ report shall include direct reference to the scope
of their examination and the auditors shall express an opinion or report
that they are unable to express an opinion as to whether:
- The financial
statements present fairly the financial position of the Society and
the results of its operations, and
- The financial
statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the proceeding
- Upon resolution of the Council a vote
of the members shall be taken upon a referendum of such questions as
the Council shall propose. Such referendum vote shall be by means of
printed ballots taking the questions to be voted upon and mailed to
each member of the Society at least seven days before the time prescribed
on such ballot for the counting of same. The ballots shall be counted
in the same way as the ballots on the election of members of the Council.
Such referendum vote shall have the same effect as and no other than,
if it were a vote of the members of the Society duly taken at a special
meeting of the Society held for the purpose of considering the subject
matter thereof.
- A notice may be given by the Society
to any member either personally or by sending it by post to him/her
to his/her registered address, or (if he/she has no registered address
on the Island or Territories) to the address, if any, in the address
supplied by him/her to the Society for the giving of notices to him/her.
Where a notice is sent by post, service of the notice shall be deemed
to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying, and posting a letter
containing the notice, and to have been effected in the case of a notice
of a meeting at the expiration of 48 hours after the letter containing
the same is posted, and in any other case at the time at which the letter
would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.
- The Members of Council, Auditors,
Director General, and other officers for the time being of the Society,
and any Trustees for the time being acting in relation to any of the
affairs of the Society and their heirs, executors and administrators
respectively, shall be indemnified out of the assets for all charges,
losses, damages and expenses which they or any of them shall or may
incur or sustain by reason of any act done or omitted in or about the
execution of their duty in their respective office or trusts, except
such (if any) as they shall incur or sustain by or through their own
willful neglect or default respectively, and no such officer or trustee
shall be answerable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of
any other officer or trustee or for joining in any receipt for the sake
of conformity, or for the solvency or honesty of any bankers or other
persons with whom any moneys or effects belonging to the Society may
be lodged or deposited for safe custody or for any insufficiency or
deficiency of any security upon which any money of the Society shall
be vested, or for any loss or damage due to any such cause as aforesaid,
or which may happen in or about the execution of his/her office or trust
unless the same shall happen through the willful neglect or default
or such officer or trustee.
Within the limits
laid down by law and in these Articles, in the event of any inconsistency
between the Memorandum and the Articles, the Memorandum usually prevails;
the General Meeting Chairman shall have all powers not conferred upon
the Officers or on others.
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