Discover the World
Islamic Insurance, Law, Banking and Finance
Mechanics of Islamic Capitalism
ISBN 978-988-17217-2-3

A Hong Kong First!
Lord Edwin E. Hitti
Basic Mechanics of Islamic Capitalism
is a veritable treasure trove of information on various aspects
of the evolution of Islamic finance over the past three decades.
The author, Lord Edwin E. Hitti, is a man of vast financial experience
and firsthand knowledge of the Islamic and Arab spheres.
His understanding both conceptually and operationally of Islamic
banking, acquired through many years as an economic policy advisor
and currently, as president of The Arab Chamber of Commerce and
Industry in Hong Kong, has enabled him to do justice to a difficult
topic. The selection of topics and classifying them is a painstaking
and laborious task but not one without its rewards!
The book is the first major publication of its kind within Greater
China and will contribute to defining the fundamental features
of the workings of Islamic finance and Shariah law.
Topics covered are Islamic culture and its ideas, values and development;
Islamic economics and banking systems; Shariah-compliant financial
solutions; Islamic funds and trusts; Islamic law, contracts and
courts; Islamic insurance; and some reflections on possible future
The 470-page anthology will be invaluable to scholars, researchers,
attorneys, lawmakers and bankers.
“This is an unprecedented work that
brings together – in one single source all the concepts needed
to not only understand the nature and scope of Islamic banking
and finance, but it also offers a perspective on its relevance
in the field.
The author has done an excellent job at selecting and editing
and compiling this useful anthology.
I congratulate ArabCham and Lord Edwin E. Hitti in producing this
volume that has both academic and practical significance and will
be helpful to researchers as well as practitioners.”
Ajay Shamdasani
Editor-in-Chief, Macau Business Magazine
“Although much has been said and
written about current trends of Islamic Banking & Finance in recent
years, even more so about Shariah and its compliance connotations.
Sadly, little of it has been effectively evident, practical or
functional for most.
As I reviewed this bluebook prior to its publication, I had nothing
but appreciation and praise for its distinctive overall coherence
and full perspective. The Author's perception of Islam, the Muslim
World and the Arab culture in its pages not only conveys an analytically
unique understanding but also an element of sensitivity to how
Arabs and Muslims alike construe the notions of Capitalism.
This book is a true insight into the Basic Mechanics of Islamic
Capitalism, an almanac of major elements shaping today's Islamic
financial methodologies. A truly well thought assessment of significant
historical components at part in today's Islamic rationale.”
Wilma K. Bosse
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Who's Who International